Friday, November 25, 2005

Standards for Revelation

There remains, then, only to discern what, if any, are the words of the designer to humanity. I do not pretend to have a sufficient list of criteria, but I hope to present here a preliminary list of necessary criteria for judging between what are the words of us and what could be the words of one above us. A true "scripture" must at least be...

1) ...completely true.

I argued for this point previously. If it is at some point false, then we--presumably--have no standard but ourselves to judge which parts are true and which are false. If we set ourselves up as a reliable standard, then there is no sense in going this route at all.

2) ...internally consistent.

This is demanded by the first requirement. If something is internally inconsistent, that is, it is self-contradictory, then it must necessarily be false at that point, because one of its two claims must be false.

3) ...externally consistent.

Our hope is that the scripture is written by one who is knowledgeable about the world we live in. He would then be qualified and capable of writing about this world without error. We therefore expect such a scripture to be consistent with what is true in our world. This standard is somewhat dangerous to apply, because we ourselves have judgments about this world which are not always completely correct. So if I disagree with a scripture, and I disagree because I am wrong about the world and it is right, can I really say that it is wrong about the world?

4) ...authoritative.

We seek words from one who designed our world, from one who knows it intimately. His knowledge of the world is not dependent upon that of others; it is self-sufficient. When these words claim, "This is so," then we should not be surprised when we do not see, "This is so because this great thinker has said that," or, "This is so because we see that and that are so," but simply, "This is so," because he has no need to appeal to any other standard but himself.


At Saturday, December 17, 2005 4:48:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell your idiot friend John that in one of his numerous attempts to appear intellectual, he's created the word "conformitarianism", which not only doesn't exist, but makes no sense whatsoever.

At Tuesday, December 20, 2005 2:47:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At Thursday, December 22, 2005 3:13:00 PM, Blogger John Jackson said...

I didn't say that. Paul would you please delete this ridiculous heckler's comment. Also, limiting comments to only blog members might be a good idea for your blog too.

At Friday, December 23, 2005 9:34:00 PM, Blogger Paul Canup said...

John: I recognize, and hopefully everyone reading did as well, that the deleted comment was not John's. I do not intend to restrict comments on this blog because I do not feel it is absolutely necessary.

Anonymous: I would appreciate it if you would not discuss my other blog at this one. If nothing else, it can be confusing for everyone else reading. While "conformitarianism" may not be a word, it hardly "makes no sense whatsoever." "A policy of being one who conforms" follows naturally from the structure of the word.

John's imposter: Please restrain yourself. It is rude to the person you are impersonating for obvious reasons; it is rude to myself and other readers of this blog by expecting us to believe that he whom you are impersonating would behave as you have portrayed him; what you had to say was both completely irrelevant and obscene, and served no purpose whatsoever except to attempt to incite me or others; finally, it is simply immature and lessens the possibility of any respect I may have had for you. We have warned you often enough of your foolish behaviour, and this is the first and last warning that you shall receive from me here.

At Monday, January 30, 2006 10:31:00 AM, Blogger John Jackson said...

You know Paul, comment moderation might be a good idea for your blog as well, given that our obnoxious friends seemed to have jumped ship on to your blog.

At Tuesday, January 31, 2006 10:08:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At Wednesday, February 01, 2006 12:48:00 PM, Blogger John Jackson said...

That last comment wasn't me.

At Wednesday, February 01, 2006 12:53:00 PM, Blogger John Jackson said...

Also Paul, I would urge you not to click on the link that they gave...seriously! For your own good.


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